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The Charm of Heisei Retro - Japan's Latest Fashion Craze

Heisei Retro is a term used to refer to Japanese fashion, technology and other cultural artifacts which were prevelent during Japan's "Heisei Era" that is being mentioned often on Japanese news, radio, YouTube and various other places around the internet as of late. Before delving further into Heisei Retro, we first need to give you a short history lesson and understanding of what exactly Heisei was.

The Heisei era, which spanned from January 8, 1989, to April 30, 2019, was a significant period in Japanese history. The name "Heisei" translates to "achieving peace" and was chosen to reflect the country's aspirations for stability and harmony. The era began with the ascension of Emperor Akihito to the throne following the death of his father, Emperor Hirohito. Throughout Heisei, Japan experienced various milestones, including economic growth, technological advancements, and cultural shifts. It witnessed the burst of the economic bubble, recovery from the devastating Kobe earthquake, and the emergence of a vibrant pop culture scene that influenced the world. The Heisei era concluded with the abdication of Emperor Akihito, marking the end of an era and the beginning of a new Reiwa era.

Given that Heisei only ended 4 years ago, it seems a stretch to call it "Retro", but given that it began over 30 years ago, and that technology has rapidly developed during this era from Motorola's first "non-brick" mobile phone to foldable screen technology smartphones, you can begin to see why Heisei is considered retro. Additionally the mainstream appeal of Harajuku fashion began to boom in the 90s, a once niche subculture born in 1960s Osaka, this style began to be recognized across the globe for its vibrant colors, unique and interesting accessories, and playful vibes. This style has gone on to influence a number of aesthetics throughout the 2000s, 2010s and 2020s with pastel J-fashion outfits and e-girl aesthetic being particularly prominent as of late.

That being said, Heisei Retro is a term which encapsulates everything from Tamagochis, to flip-phones, to videos taken on low resolution video cameras, to Walkman, Gameboys, Pokemon Cards, Gyaru-style legwarmers and cute mobile phone charms (one of our favorite items from Heisei that is still very prevalent in Japan today). It does however, tend to focus on the cute, rather than the technological, so you can expect to find more clothing, fashion items and accessories if you search for this particular term.

To shop for Heisei Retro goods, check out Mercari, Yahoo Auctions and Rakuma for thousands of listings of second-hand goods! We're passionate about the re-use of old technology, and are happy to help aid you find what you're looking for!

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27 Jun 2023
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